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Publicaciones que han utilizado la Batería MOBAK

Artículos científicos nacionales

Zapata-Lamana R, Robles-Campos A, Reyes-Molina D, Rojas-Bravo J, Salcedo Lagos P, Chávez-Castillo Y, Gajardo-Aguayo J, Villalobos JV, Arias AM, Sanhueza-Campos C, Ibarra Mora J, Reyes-Amigo T, Cristi-Montero C, Sánchez-Oliva D, Ruiz-Hermosa A, Sánchez-López M, Poblete-Valderrama F, Celis-Morales C, Martorell M, Carrasco-Marín F, Albornoz-Guerrero J, Parra-Rizo MA and Cigarroa I. (2024). Effects of video-guided active breaks with curricular content on mental health and classroom climate in chilean schoolchildren aged 6 to 10: study protocol for a multicentre randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Physiology, 15:1438555.


Carcamo-Oyarzun, J., Henriquez-Alvear, L., Martinez-Lopez, N., Rivera-Gutierrez, C., Salvo-Garrido, S., Candia-Cabrera, P., & Vargas-Vitoria, R. (2024). Valores referenciales para interpretar la evaluación de la competencia motriz a través del test MOBAK 5-6. Retos, 59, 119–129.

Martinez-Lopez N, Estevan I, Candia-Cabrera P., Aguilar-Farias N., & Carcamo-Oyarzun J. (2024). Motor competence and compliance with physical activity recommendations in Chilean schoolchildren. Frontiers in Psychology, 15,1371766. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1371766

Neira-Navarrete, D.; Páez-Herrera, J.; Reyes-Amigo, T.; Yáñez-Sepúlveda, R.; Cortés-Roco, G.; Oñate-Navarrete, C.; Olivares-Arancibia, J.; Hurtado-Almonacid, J. (2024). Effects of Modified Invasion Games on Motor Competence and Self-Assessed Physical Condition in Elementary School Students in the Physical Education Classroom. Children, 11, 337.

Carcamo-Oyarzun, J., Herrmann, C., Gerlach, E., Salvo-Garrido, S., & Estevan, I. (2023). Motor competence, motivation and enjoyment in physical education to profile children in relation to physical activity behaviors. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. 1-14. 

Carcamo-Oyarzun, J., Salvo-Garrido, S., & Estevan, I. (2023). Actual and Perceived Motor Competence in Chilean Schoolchildren before and after COVID-19 Lockdowns: A Cohort Comparison. Behavioral Sciences, 13(4).

Gonzalez-Huenulef, Y., Martino-Fuentealba, P., Bretz, K., Ferbol, C., & Carcamo-Oyarzun, J. (2023). Competencia motriz real y percibida en niños y niñas de la Patagonia Chilena: La percepción del estudiantado y del profesorado de Educación Física. Retos, 50, 290–297.

Quintriqueo-Torres, J.; Menares-Quiroz, D.; Aguilar-Farias, N.; Salvo-Garrido, S.; Carcamo-Oyarzun, J. (2022) Differences in Motor Competence of Chilean Schoolchildren According to Biological and Sociocultural Correlates. Children, 9, 1482. doi:10.3390/children9101482

Müller, C., Candia-Cabrera, P., Casas-Sotomayor, F., & Carcamo-Oyarzun, J. (2022). La competencia motriz real y percibida en contexto de ruralidad según el sexo y la participación deportiva extraescolar. Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte, 22(2), 268–281. doi:10.6018/cpd.482421

Rodríguez-Briceño, D., Castro-Vilugron, F., Díaz-Alvarado, M., & Carcamo Oyarzun, J. (2022). La competencia motriz en estudiantes chilenos de 3° y 4° de educación básica. Aprendizajes esperados versus realidad. Retos, 44, 515-524. doi:10.47197/retos.v44i0.91095

Carcamo-Oyarzun, J., Peña-Troncoso, S., & Cumilef-Bustamante, P. (2022). Validez de contenido de la Batería MOBAK para la evaluación del eje curricular de habilidades motrices en Educación Física. Estudios Pedagógicos, 48(1), 309-322. doi: 10.4067/S0718-07052022000100309.

Martinez-Lopez, N., Espinoza-Silva, M., & Carcamo-Oyarzun, J. (2021). Competencia motriz en escolares de primer y segundo año de primaria en la región de Araucanía, ChilePensar en Movimiento, 19(2),e45621. doi: 10.15517/pensarmov.v19i2.45621

Carcamo-Oyarzun, J.; Estevan, I.; Herrmann, C. (2020). Association between Actual and Perceived Motor Competence in School ChildrenInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17, 3408. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17103408 

Carcamo-Oyarzun, J.; Herrmann, C. (2020). Validez de constructo de la batería MOBAK para la evaluación de las competencias motrices básicas en escolares de educación primariaRevista Española de Pedagogía78 (276), 291-308. doi:10.22550/REP78-2-2020-03

Revisiones  que han considerado a la Batería MOBAK

Shearer, C., Goss, H.R., Boddy, L.M., Knowles, Z.R., Durden-Myers, E.J., & Foweather, L. et al. (2021). Assessments Related to the Physical, Affective and Cognitive Domains of Physical Literacy Amongst Children Aged 7–11.9 Years: A Systematic Review. Sports Medicine, 7 (37), doi:10.1186/s40798-021-00324-8

Lopes, L., Santos, R., Coelho-e-Silva, M., Draper, C., Mota, J., Jidovtseff, B., Clark, C., Schmidt, M., Morgan, P., Duncan, M., O’Brien, W., Bentsen, P., D’Hondt, E., Houwen, S., Stratton, G., De Martelaer, K., Scheuer, C., Herrmann, C., ... Carcamo-Oyarzun, J., … Agostinis-Sobrinho, C. (2021). A Narrative Review of Motor Competence in Children and Adolescents: What We Know and What We Need to Find Out. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 18.

Hulteen, R., Barnett, L.M., True, L., Lander, N.J., del Pozo Cruz, B., & Lonsdale, C. (2020) Validity and reliability evidence for motor competence assessments in children and adolescents: A systematic review. Journal of Sports Sciences, 38:15, 1717-1798, doi: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1756674

Principales artículos científicos internacionales

Legarra-Gorgoñon, G., García-Alonso, Y., Ramírez-Vélez, R., Alonso-Martínez, L, Izquierdo, M. & Alonso-Martínez, A. (2024). Assessing basic motor competences, physical fitness, and executive function in 4-5-year-old children: a longitudinal study in a primary care setting. Italian Journal of Pediatrics, 50, 108.

Lovecchio N, Giuriato M, Passera M, Gatti A, Carnevale Pellino V, Vandoni M, Codella, R. (2024) Is change of direction influenced by motor competencies? A possible response from a MOBAK-based study in Italian schoolchildren. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 21.

Ľ., Mačura, P., Hubinák, A., Krška, P., Sedláček, J., Blahutová, A., Zvonař, M., Kohútová, K. & Štefan, L. (2024) Basic motor competencies in Slovak children from the 3rd and 4th grade elementary age group. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 12, 1175468.

Legarra-Gorgoñon, G., García-Alonso, Y., Ramírez-Vélez, R., Erice-Echegaray, B., Izquierdo, M. & Alonso-Martínez A.(2023) Associations between basic motor competencies and physical fitness in Spanish pre-schoolers: a cross-sectional study. Italian Journal of Pediatrics 49, 97.

Liendo Palomino, E. I., Galindo Zea, L. M., Guerra Ancalla, G. I., & Ñahui Rojas, H. F. (2023). Posible relación entre la Obesidad y las Habilidades Motrices Básicas post cuarentena en niños peruanos de 6 a 8 años. EVSOS, 2(1), 159–182.

Alonso-Martínez, A.M., Legarra-Gorgoñon, G., García-Alonso, Y.,  Ramírez-Vélez, R., Alonso-Martínez, L., Erice-Echegaray, B. & Izquierdo, Mikel (2023). Gamified family-based health exercise intervention to improve adherence to 24-h movement behaviors recommendations in children: “3, 2, 1 Move on Study”. Trials 24, 531.

Niederkofler, B., Amesberger, G. (2023). Förderung von motorischen Basiskompetenzen über das Können, Wissen und Wollen der Schulkinder. Effekte einer 8-wöchigen Unterrichtsreihe in der zweiten und vierten SchulstufeUnterrichtswissensschaft (2023).

Wälti, M., Seelig, H., Adamakis, M. et al. (2023). Investigating levels and determinants of primary school children’s basic motor competencies in nine European countries. Zeitschrift für Grundschulforschung, 16(1), 113–133.

Wälti M, Sallen J, Adamakis M, Ennigkeit F, Gerlach E, Heim C, Jidovtseff B, Kossyva I, Labudová J, Masaryková D, Mombarg R, De Sousa Morgado L, Niederkofler B, Niehues M, Onofre M, Pühse U, Quitério A, Scheuer C, Seelig H, Vlcek P, Vrbas J & Herrmann C. (2022). Basic Motor Competencies of 6- to 8-Year-Old Primary School Children in 10 European Countries: A Cross-Sectional Study on Associations With Age, Sex, Body Mass Index, and Physical Activity. Frontiers in Psychology,13, 804753. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.804753

Herrmann, C., Bretz, K., Kühnis, J., Seelig, H., Keller, R. & Ferrari, I. (2021). Connection between social relationships and basic motor competencies in early childhood. Children, 8(1), 53. doi:10.3390/children8010053

Mücke, M., Ludyga, S., Andrä, C., Gerber, M. & Herrmann, C. (2021). Associations between physical activity, basic motor competencies and automatic evaluations of exercise. Journal of Sports Sciences, 39(16), 1903–1909. doi:10.1080/02640414.2021.1907902

Strotmeyer, A., Kehne, M. & Herrmann, C. (2021). Effects of an Intervention for Promoting Basic Motor Competencies in Middle Childhood. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14), 7343. doi:10.3390/ijerph18147343

Scheuer, C., Bund, A. & Herrmann, C. (2019). Diagnosis and Monitoring of Basic Motor Competencies among Third-Graders in Luxembourg. An Assessment Tool for Teachers. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 23(3), 258–271. doi:10.1080/1091367X.2019.1613998.

Sallen, J., Andrä, C., Ludyga, S., Mücke, M., & Herrmann, C. (2020). School Children's Physical Activity, Motor Competence, and Corresponding Self-Perception: A Longitudinal Analysis of Reciprocal Relationships. Journal of physical activity & health, 17(11), 1083–1090. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2019-0507

Strotmeyer, A., Kehne, M. & Herrmann, C. (2020). Motorische Basiskompetenzen. Zusammenhänge mit Geschlecht, Alter, Gewichtsstatus, außerschulischer Sportaktivität und Koordinationsleistung. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 50(1), 82–91. doi:10.1007/s12662-019-00596-z.

Herrmann, C., Heim, C., & Seelig, H. (2019). Construct validity and covariates of basic motor competencies in primary school. Journal of Sport and Health Science. DOI:10.1016/j.jshs.2017.04.002.

Ludyga, S., Gerber, M., Pühse, U. & Herrmann, C. (2019). Core executive functions are selectively related to different facets of motor competence in preadolescent children. European Journal of Sport Science, 19(3), 375-383. doi:10.1080/17461391.2018.1529826.

Quitério, A., Martins, J., Onofre, M., Costa, J., Mota Rodrigues, J., Gerlach, E., Scheuer, C. & Herrmann, C. (2018). MOBAK 1: Assessment in primary physical education: exploring basic motor competences in six-year old Portuguese children. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 125, 1055–1069. doi:10.1177/0031512518804358

Ludyga, S., Mücke, M., Kamijo, K., Andrä, C., Pühse, U., Gerber, M., & Herrmann, C. (2019). The role of motor competencies in predicting the development of the initial contingent negative variation and working memory maintenance. Child Development. Advance online publication. doi:10.1111/cdev.13227.

Herrmann, C., Seelig, H., Ferrari, I., & Kühnis, J. (2019). Basic motor competencies of preschoolers: Construct, assessment and determinants. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 49(2), 179-187. doi:10.1007/s12662-019-00566-5.

Ludyga, S., Herrmann, C., Mücke, M., Andrä, C., Brand, S., Pühse, U. et al. (2018). Contingent Negative Variation and Working Memory Maintenance in Adolescents with Low and High Motor Competencies. Neural Plasticity, 1–9. doi:10.1155/2018/9628787.

Herrmann, C., Heim, C., & Seelig, H. (2017). Diagnose und Entwicklung motorischer Basiskompetenzen. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 49 (4), 173-185. doi: 10.1026/0049-8637/a000180.

Herrmann, C. & Seelig, H. (2017). “I can dribble!” On the relationship between children’s motor competencies and corresponding self-perceptions. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 47 (4), 324-334. doi:10.1007/s12662-017-0468-x.

Herrmann, C., & Seelig, H. (2017). Basic motor competencies of fifth graders. Construct validity of the MOBAK-5 test instrument and determinants. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 47 (2), 110–121. doi:10.1007/s12662-016-0430-3.

Herrmann, C. & Seelig, H. (2017). Structure and profiles of basic motor competencies in the third grade-validation of the test instrument MOBAK-3. Perceptual and motor skills, 124 (1), 5–20. doi:10.1177/0031512516679060.

Quitério, A., Costa, J., Martins, M., Martins, J., Onofre, M., Gerlach, E., Scheuer, C. & Herrmann, C. (2017). Educação Física: Avaliação das competências motoras em alunos de seis anos, do primeiro ano de escolaridade. Retos, 31, 259–263. doi:10.47197/retos.v0i31.53500

Herrmann, C., Gerlach, E., & Seelig, H. (2016). Motorische Basiskompetenzen in der Grundschule: Begründung, Erfassung und empirische Überprüfung eines Messinstruments. Sportwissenschaft, 46 (2), 60–73. doi:10.1007/s12662-015-0378-8. 

Herrmann, C., Gerlach, E., & Seelig, H. (2015). Development and validation of a test instrument for the assessment of basic motor competencies in primary school. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 19 (2), 80–90. doi:10.1080/1091367X.2014.998821.

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